Mind Body Spirit Release


“Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots ”. -Rumi


What is Mind-Body-Spirit-Release?

Mind-Body-Spirit-Release “MBSR” is a means of communicating with our body's electrochemical knowledge of our personal history to assist in connecting with it's memories and releasing those that are blocks or interference that often hold us back from our highest and best expression of self.

Our subconscious mind controls 95% of our actions. To do that, it must be a dedicated, detailed observer and recorder of our lives; witnessing and remembering our thoughts and emotions and implementing patterns of behaviors based on them. And since those thoughts and emotions are electrochemical signals that travel through ions in the water that makes up up to 60% of our bodies, it'd be expected that they travel throughout the body. And when they make an impact, even by observation, they imprint a memory within us.

With Mind-Body-Spirit-Release we begin with the creation of an intention and then uncover the blocks & interference connected to that intention or goal. It is a thoughtful, purposeful, targeted method of moving through emotional blocks and limiting beliefs & it is customized specifically for you.

My intention is to support the natural process of personal growth and healing. When I first meet with a client I like to discover their personal history with self-improvement. This may be the use of prayer, affirmations, journaling etc. I then uncover the "most thought words" that would be described for how they feel about themselves and how they feel in relation to their most significant unattained goal. And through a series of supporting questions, this provides a foundation for me to co-create an intention.

An intention, by my definition, is a prayerful focus.

Once an intention is created, I utilize the Ideomotor Response, commonly referred to as "energy testing" or "muscle testing" using a pendulum; as my sessions are remote. This method measures the body's response to an idea or statement... an "intention". In doing so, blocks and interference to bring that intention into reality are uncovered. And this is where insights are revealed and growth occurs.

Intentions are personal and each client has his/her own history, personal traumas, observations, experiences & un-intended beliefs that hold them back. With my help, clients are able to organically move through their own path of self-discovery and understanding and release what is not in their highest and best. And in turn, move towards, and then attain, their goals.


“First there was energy, and then there was matter.”

— Nikola Tesla


What to expect with MBSR supported coaching?

*Directs focus and growth towards an important, customized and meaningful goal.

*The discovery of connective threads between your past & present that undermine your present day. And direction for aligned action to move through and past those challenges.