Experience Insights

Over 35 years of personal development….

As a very young girl with a goal to be someone I wasn’t yet. I was guided to create an image of the girl I wanted to be and “become it”…. Ahead of her time, my Mother knew, growth is purposeful.

There were many stepping stones on my path. Some so early I, or they, didn’t connect… There was biofeedback and meditation with my Father when I was 6 and 7 years old….But I was too active for stillness unless I had a book in my hand. When my family moved to Virginia Beach my Mother discovered numerology and it was a deeper look into who I was born as. It provided a new perspective on how I learn, how I feel, and it gave validation to aspects of my self that I had not found a good way to put words to. And then at age 14 when Louise Hay entered my scene I was intrigued. Her book You Can Heal Your Life was my first interested introduction to mind-body connection. I also stumbled into affirmations through her. My Mother connected with the National Dowsing Association (water finders) and we learned to use dowsing tools and that gave way to using pendulums and learning how to muscle test.

Through the years I’ve returned to purposeful growth and turned away from it. I have believed life happened “to” me and I’ve seen how life happened “for” me. I’ve wondered “when” my life would become what I hoped for & I’ve wondered how & when I would be able to “create” the life I wanted.

I began a yoga practice and witnessed how my practice changed day to day and side to side. I saw how it turned me inward and how some days I saw my weakness and other days I saw my strength. Yoga was the moving meditation that I connected thought to body through. And later I studied yoga thinking I just might teach.

With each new limb of knowledge, deeper self understanding revealed. In my thirties it became more difficult for me to avoid taking a step back to look for connections, and my forties brought depth. I gained insight into the sometimes subtle and sometimes blatant shifts of growth.

Having acquired two autoimmune diagnosis by forty, both triggered by extreme seasons of stress, and having incorporated allopathic and functional methodologies to move me towards healing that was not complete, I learned how to read lab work from a functional perspective. I needed to connect mind to body knowledge even more. Through labs I saw just how stress and rest impacted my body. And I thought I just might begin helping others by interpreting labs. Healing is more than labs though. It is more than nutrient dense food, sleep, movement and supplements…. even though I’ve never known healing without all of those.

I embraced conscious language and the nuances of the words we speak. How they impact us energetically. How we are “affirming” all day, every day; often what we don’t intend to. I changed a lot of my language in support of my own evolution & there was no denying the impact.

And then I found Mind Body Spirit Release. It has the framework I am able to fit all my years of personal growth into. “Muscle testing” was commonplace in my home and it’s the mode of information gathering in this modality. Conscious language is important in setting the intentions in which is the foundation of the work. Avenues of internal awareness are vast and the combination of many eastern philosophies come together to create this new avenue of growth and healing. I am now a professional level graduate of the Mind-Body-Spirit-Release Academy and by association am a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners & I am a Holistic Health Practitioner.

And then I found Ahai 7D™ Energy Healing. Having been aware of and having experienced the shifts both physically and emotionally with methods of energy work (Reiki specifically) I was particularly drawn to this modality. It’s energy, lighter and yet more potent and powerful. Everything is energy. And it cannot be disconnected from either health or dis-ease. The balance it’s brought into my journey has been amazing. And I became a professional level certified Ahai 7D™ Energy practitioner.

And then I was pulled to include numerology. I grew up with numerology and have 45 years of its language within me. Numbers have been a guide for me in life at every turn. Even in times I dismissed it. And I realized that a look into one’s self from a numerological perspective would be an incredibly supportive foundation to build upon with both MBSR and Ahai 7D™ so I made sure to have that consultation as an option.

My decades of dabbling began to weave into a divine tapestry. And in what seemed a flash, I saw that the limbs of my learning also had a sturdy trunk and roots. Everything connected. Body connection, the truth labs can shine a light on, & how what we feel, think & speak impacts our reality, & how asking the right questions and setting goals you emotionally connect to matter. And how our subconscious with all its power can be holding us captive in our growth by the means of limiting beliefs which also hold an energetic. And now I bring together the decades of personal development tools for my self and for clients to move into aligned lives.

I’m happiest when I’m growing and helping others do the same.

I’ll be looking forward to meeting you….and helping you meet your highest & best self.